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  • What is Maxillofacial Prosthetics?
    It is a medical speciality dedicated to the rehabilitation of patients with craniofacial alterations through the elaboration of prostheses.
  • What kind of prosthesis do you make?
    The most common prostheses are intraoral, facial, ocular and auricular prostheses. However, there is a wide range of prostheses and therapeutic devices that I can make with my training. On the PROSTHESIS page you can see some examples.
  • How long does it take to make the prostheses?
    This varies significantly between the type of prosthesis and the particular case. You can visit the section of the prosthesis you are interested in for more specific information.
  • How do I know if I am a candidate for a prosthesis?
    Contact me and tell me your story. In the initial assessment we can study your case and present you with the best treatment option for you.
  • Can I go about my daily life with the prosthesis?
    Of course, the aim of rehabilitation is to allow you to lead a normal life in every way. Each case and type of prosthesis varies in its indications but in general, you will get so used to it that the prosthesis will become part of you.
  • How long after finishing cancer treatment can I have a prosthesis?
    Most patients can have a prosthesis as soon as they have healed from surgery or radiotherapy. This is usually after 4 to 6 weeks.
  • How should I clean and maintain the prostheses?
    Each prosthesis has its specific care, at the time of delivery I teach you everything about the use and hygiene, it is very easy.
  • Should I visit you after I have received my prosthesis?
    Yes, I always recommend regular check-ups every 6 to 12 months, depending on your case.
  • I need more adhesive, where do I get it?
    With me, contact me a little before yours runs out and I will provide you with a new one.
  • Do I need to bring anything to my consultation appointment?
    There are a few things you could bring to your first appointment depending on the type of prosthesis you need (eye, ear, nose, orbit) that may help us: Eyeglasses that you wear or can wear with the prosthesis. Any ocular or silicone prostheses from other providers Any dentures you wear Any before and after photos you have had (for reference) CT scans of your head before and/or after any surgery you may have had Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, especially if you will be travelling from out of town for your appointment.
  • Any other questions?
    You can contact me directly or fill in the form and I will answer all your questions.
  • At what age is it advisable to fit a prosthesis?
    The earlier the better. There are cases such as retinoblastoma in which children must wear eye conformers from a very young age, just after surgery.
  • How is it retained?
    The ocular prosthesis is shaped like a curved shell that is inserted behind the eyelids that retain it.
  • Will I only need one for my whole life?
    No. Cavity tissue changes over time, so periodic adjustments and maintenance are necessary until a change of prosthesis is required.
  • So how long does a prosthesis last?
    If you look after it with the same care that I do, the prosthesis will last 4 to 5 years before needing to be replaced by a new one. To do this, it is essential to carry out periodic maintenance to polish the surface and repair any damage it may have.
  • Will the prosthesis move like my other eye?
    The degree of movement of the prosthesis varies in each case. It will depend on the type of surgery and the presence or absence of the eye muscles and implants. The movement of the prosthesis will not be as complete as the normal eye but I will show you some tricks to make this limitation of movement go unnoticed most of the time.
  • But will I be able to blink normally?
    Yes, the eyelids blink normally over the prosthesis as long as it is lubricated, so it is important that the surface is smooth and polished to a high degree. Only in specific cases, you will need to use artificial tears to increase lubrication.
  • Will I have pain or discomfort while wearing the prosthesis?
    There is usually a slight discomfort or pressure at the beginning of the process, but eventually this will disappear and you will become completely accustomed to its use.
  • Can I play sports with the prosthesis?
    Of course, you can go about your normal life, as long as you protect both your healthy eye and the prosthesis with protective lenses, especially in contact sports and special swimming goggles.
  • How do I adjust to living with a prosthesis?
    Losing an eye or living without one can be an emotionally traumatic experience and requires a significant period of adjustment. It will all depend on the attitude with which you face this situation. It is not easy but you will have many people supporting you in the process, I will help you to recover your appearance and feel good about what you look at in the mirror, I promise to do my best to make your process faster and more enjoyable.
  • Will a prosthesis last me for life?
    No. If you take as much care of it as I do, the prosthesis will last 3 to 5 years before needing to be replaced with a new one. The tissues of the face change over time and the prosthesis can become maladapted. In addition, being in a place exposed to the sun's rays, the colour will fade over time. We will carry out periodic maintenance to keep it looking spectacular for as long as possible.
  • Do I need surgery for the prosthesis?
    If the prosthesis is to be retained with adhesive, no. Only minor surgery is required if clips or magnets are used for retention with osseointegrated implants.
  • Will I have pain or discomfort while wearing the prosthesis?
    No, the prosthesis is custom-made and therefore does not cause any discomfort during use.
  • Can I play sports with the prosthesis?
    Much depends on the prosthesis and the type of retention we choose for you. Generally, you will be able to do non-contact sports.
  • How do I adjust to living with a prosthesis?
    Losing a part of your face can be an emotionally traumatic experience and requires a significant period of adjustment. It will all depend on the attitude with which you face this situation. It is not easy but you will have many people supporting you in the process, I will help you to recover your appearance and feel good about what you look at in the mirror, I promise to do my best to make your process faster and more enjoyable.
  • At what age can a prosthesis be fitted in a child with microtia?
    It would be advisable to start using it before starting school, around 4-5 years of age.
  • Can my child use a prosthesis before attempting surgical reconstruction for microtia?
    Of course, many parents prefer to start with this treatment until the child can decide for himself whether he wants to have the surgeries or not.
  • Do I need surgery for the prosthesis?
    If the prosthesis is to be retained with adhesive, no. Only minor surgery is required if clips or magnets are used for retention with osseointegrated implants.
  • Will I have pain or discomfort while wearing the prosthesis?
    No, the prosthesis is custom-made and therefore does not cause any discomfort during use.
  • Can I play sports with the prosthesis?
    It depends very much on the type of retention we choose for you. Generally, you will be able to do non-contact sports.
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