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Contagiando Sonrisas - Donating eye prostheses with Rotary

"Contagiando Sonrisas" was the first ocular prosthesis donation programme in Ecuador. Eight low-income people who lost one or both eyes received a personalised ocular prosthesis, restoring their self-esteem and quality of life.

Worldwide, 1 in 6 people cannot afford to pay for medical care. Ocular prostheses are expensive and this programme subsidises them through sponsorship and a strategic alliance with the professional who makes them to provide them free of charge to low-income people who cannot otherwise afford them.

Thanks to the support of the Rotaract and Rotary Clubs of Latacunga, we were able to carry out this wonderful project in which we helped 8 people with the donation of 9 ocular prostheses completely free of charge. The programme was carried out over three consecutive days during which the prostheses were made in the company of the patients, their families and members of both clubs.

The results were great, without a doubt that changing the lives of these people is what inspires me to continue the work as a professional and as part of the organisation.


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